Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Poll Finds McDonnell Leading By 14 POINTS!!!

In a poll by Survey USA of likely voters all Republican candidates were all above 50%! This is great news!

When asked the question:
If the election for the Virginia governor were today, would you vote for... (candidates names rotated) Republican Bob McDonnell? Or Democrat Creigh Deeds?
55% of those polled said they would vote for Bob McDonnell.
41% of those polled said they would vote for Creigh Deeds.
4% were undecided.

When examined this showed some really interesting trends. First McDonnell leads in all age groups and surprisingly McDonnell and Deeds percentage difference among 18-34 years olds is the same as between 50-64 year olds. This is really important because it shows that Deeds newest attacks about his views on women have not held much ground on the age group it was really targeting 18-34 year olds. 54% of 18-34 year olds said they would vote for McDonnell.
Also another interesting trend was cross over votes with likely voters with party affiliation. 13% of registered Democrats said they would vote for McDonnell, whereas only 10% of Republicans said they would vote for Deeds. Another important trend to point out is that with registered Independents. McDonnell captured 59% of Independents whereas only 35% of Independents said they would vote for Deeds. Also of those polled who voted for Obama 13% said they would vote for McDonnell whereas of those polled who voted for McCain only 7% would vote for Deeds.
So what these trends show really is that Deeds isn't sticking. Democrats usually win big in the younger population, but not here. Deeds hasn't been able to capture enough cross over votes and certainly not Independent votes to win. And as political history has showed Independents decide the race.

When asked the question:
Virginia will also elect a lieutenant governor. If the election for lieutenant governor were today, would you vote for... (candidates names rotated) Republican Bill Bolling? Or Democrat Jody Wagner?
54% of those polled said they would vote for Bill Bolling.
41% of those polled said they would vote for Jody Wagner.
5% were undecided.

When asked the question:
Virginia will also elect an attorney general. If the election for attorney general were today, would you vote for... (candidates names rotated) Republican Ken Cuccinelli? Or Democrat Steve Shannon?
53% of those polled said they would vote for Ken Cuccinelli.
42% of those polled said they would vote for Steve Shannon.
5% were undecided.

Click here to look at the full results.

This is good news for Republicans which means that Democrats will be on the attack until its voting day...great...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obama's Youth

Scary video of school children taught to praise of dear leader Barack Hussein Obama. I wonder what the kids who didn't agree with this felt like? I wonder if they were pressured ? I wonder if their parents know? If I was a parent of one of those children I would be livid.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Deeds...Do You Have A Brain?

So I am a little late on posting this but it is a great video showing Deeds lacking a brain. I am surprised the media hasn't really caught on to how Deeds makes no sense when talking to reporters. He is not for any taxes but he is for taxes that are not general? Whaaaaa? *Scratches head*

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another Great Ad

The McDonnell campaign just keeps coming out with more and more really strong ads. Check this one out it really hammers home the point.

Great New McDonnell Ad

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 A Day I Will Never Forget

Eight years ago today priceless American lives were taken by Islamic terrorists. Eight years ago today we learned that two planes had crashed into the World Trade Center, one crashed into the Pentagon, and one plane with brave souls crashed in Pennsylvania instead of into the Capital or White House. Eight years ago today my sense of safety as a young adult was shattered. Eight years ago today I came home from school to learn that my country had received attacks worse than those in Pearl Harbor. Eight years ago today I questioned God for the first time in my life. Eight years ago today I found out that people hated me and all Americans just because we were Americans. Eight years ago today my sense of reality was shaken, no longer could I view the world with the eyes of a child. Eight years ago today we had a President that was strong enough to deal with the situation. Eight years ago today was September 11, 2001, a day which some rather forget but will always be engrained in my soul and in my being.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Great Ad

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

23 Democrats Said They Will Vote No On Healthcare Reform

23 Democrats from the House have told constituents that they will not vote for healthcare reform. For a healthcare reform to pass Democrats can only lose 38 Democrat votes. I'm sure there will be more in the next couple weeks that come out against reform. Lets watch the Dems plan crumble!
Click here for the full story from The Hill.

Key Moderate Democrat Turns Against The Public Option

Representative Mike Ross from Arkansas said that he can no longer support a public insurance plan. Could this be Obama's canary in the coal mine? You decide!
Click here to read the full story on Breitbart.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Deeds Launches Attack Ad & Mispells McDonnell's Name

What did I tell you!?! I knew the Deeds campaign was only going to become a negative hate fest against McDonnell. Not only this, I have also mentioned before that the Deeds campaign is stupid. Literally they must be because this is the second stupid offense in the past week. Maybe the same lady from the Deeds campaign who called the McDonnell headquarters pretending to be a reporter (outed by the Caller ID saying Deeds for VA) made these advertisements too.

Anyway the story is this: The Deeds campaign recently launched a new site that outlines McDonnell's "Blueprint" for Virginia. Which talks about how he is "against" women and a whole multitude of other things mainly based on a term paper he wrote in 1989. This hate campaign will also have ads on google and on the radio. But what is so stupid about these ads and the website is that they spelled McDonnell's name wrong.
  Deeds invites folks to learn about
Sadly they noticed their mistake and fixed it. But let's think for a minute...the Deed's campaign can't spell, has a staffer pose as a reporter and call the McDonnell campaign but are stupid enough to do it from the Deeds headquaters, and just keep launching attack after attack after attack. Only a desperate candidate would do such a thing. Deeds obviously can't win a fair fight so he is resorting to what dems know best. I told you it's only going to get worse...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rasmussen Poll Has McDonnell at 51% Deeds 42%

This survey was conducted recently after the new story about McDonnell's thesis paper written in 1989. The polling results have not really changed since last month's Rasmussen poll that had McDonnell with 49% and Deeds with 41%. In my opinion this is good news, but that doesn't mean we don't stop campaigning and fighting the good fight. I have a feeling this race is about to get very nasty. The Deeds campaign is starting to get desperate and with the WAPO looking for their next "macaca" story things can only get more beastly.

Obama's Special Advisor on Green Jobs Thinks Republicans are A**holes!

Obama's Special (Czar) Advisor on Green Jobs, Van Jones in a lecture given at the 2nd Annual Berkeley Energy & Resources Collaborative is quoted saying that Republicans are a**holes. I thought there was supposed to be an end to this kind of hate speech with Obama's presidency...where did the idea of post partisanship go?Watch and check it out for yours self.

Also if you enjoyed listening to Van Jones you would also be interested in looking up his history...the guy is nutzo

Tuesday, September 1, 2009