This summer my temper has been flaring and for the most part it is because of three specific people in this order...
1. Barry Soretoro (Known now as Barack Hussein Obama)
2. Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi
3. Gerry Connolly
Gerry Connolly really must think he is God just like all Dems. Therefore Pat Herrity, an elected Supervisor in Fairfax County, cannot contact him about the Islamic Saudi Academy's textbooks unless he gets approval from the entire Board of Supervisors. Learn more at NLS.
Connolly doesn't want to hear from constituents either. Check the full story out at BVBL. He is going to hold a town hall about ObamaCare but it will be in a the gated community of Heritage Hunt and you will not be able to go unless you have a visitors pass or a resident. WONDERFUL!!!
Connelly is a crapper. He must go!