Thursday, September 3, 2009

Deeds Launches Attack Ad & Mispells McDonnell's Name

What did I tell you!?! I knew the Deeds campaign was only going to become a negative hate fest against McDonnell. Not only this, I have also mentioned before that the Deeds campaign is stupid. Literally they must be because this is the second stupid offense in the past week. Maybe the same lady from the Deeds campaign who called the McDonnell headquarters pretending to be a reporter (outed by the Caller ID saying Deeds for VA) made these advertisements too.

Anyway the story is this: The Deeds campaign recently launched a new site that outlines McDonnell's "Blueprint" for Virginia. Which talks about how he is "against" women and a whole multitude of other things mainly based on a term paper he wrote in 1989. This hate campaign will also have ads on google and on the radio. But what is so stupid about these ads and the website is that they spelled McDonnell's name wrong.
  Deeds invites folks to learn about
Sadly they noticed their mistake and fixed it. But let's think for a minute...the Deed's campaign can't spell, has a staffer pose as a reporter and call the McDonnell campaign but are stupid enough to do it from the Deeds headquaters, and just keep launching attack after attack after attack. Only a desperate candidate would do such a thing. Deeds obviously can't win a fair fight so he is resorting to what dems know best. I told you it's only going to get worse...


  1. Durty Deeds rides again!

  2. It would be nice if we could read Obamas papers he wrote in his higher education days, but we can't because they are missing. Until we can read Obamas work nothing matters about what republicans say or write. The democrats can't have it both ways.
