Monday, July 6, 2009

Clifton's 4th of July Parade: A Commentary

 As a spectator who came at 4 PM (the original time the parade was supposed to start) I was surprised to hear that it was pushed back until 4:30 PM. It seemed that everyone was ready at 4PM but, oh I forgot to mention Clifton's "most important" guests were late for their appearance, Gerry Connolly (gag reflex) and a very pasty George Barker (more gag reflex). That's right, everyone had to wait and get sweaty for these two creepers to show up. On a happier note the Republican Women of Clifton had a very strong showing I counted around 60 or so whereas the Democratic Women of Clifton rolled out their usual pros. The RWC had a woman dressed up as Lady Liberty and even 3 women waving the historic "Don't Tread On Me" Flag. It was great! I kept saying to myself FINALLY Clifton has a strong Republican presence just like they do with voter turn out! Even more awesome was Gerry Connolly getting laughed at while being recognized at the Flag ceremony. Right after the ceremony he dashed off too quickly for me to get over there, or anyone else for that matter, to criticize him about the CRAP AND TRADE scheme. Guess he thought my personal letter was enough, right?