Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Holidays for Heroes

This holiday season do something great for the troops and their families. On the Red Cross website you can help by selecting a gift from the 2009 Gifts that Save the Day Catalogue. Catalogue gifts include:
-Training classes that help families cope with the difficulties of deployments
-Comfort kits for wounded warriors
-Phone cards
-Emergency communication services for service members and their families.

Gifts cost as little as $20 but can make a huge difference in the lives of service men and women around the world and their families.

You can find this catalogue on the America Red Cross website. Click Here to view that catalogue.

Merry Christmas and Hanukkah Sameach!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Obama's Approval Ratings Keep Dropping

For Christmas and Hanukkah I thought I would give everyone the present of these two awesome charts. Rasmussen reports today that Obama Approval index is now at -12 and his overall approval is 45 % and just keeps dropping. Merry Christmas everyone and Hanukkah Sameach!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hope Everyone Had A Great Thanksgiving!

There is so much that I can be thankful for this year.
1. That I live in the United States of America (even though our President isn't great...)
2. That there are Americans willing to die to protect my family and freedom.
3. That I have been blessed with a healthy life.
4. That my family and I are safe and warm.
5. That I am able to eat a large and wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.

Remember that it is never too late to give thanks and to always appreciate what you have.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Get Out There And VOTE!

If you read this and:
1. You are a registered Virginia voter.
2. Haven't voted yet.

The best time to make an impact is offseason elections because turnout is so low that your vote counts for more! So there is no excuse, I reminded you! NOW GO VOTE!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tomorrow Is Go Time!

So I know this is supposed to be a slam dunk for us Republicans but that in no way means to stop whatever your doing. In fact no matter what has been said about the race the day that only truly matters is tomorrow! You must vote! You must tell all your family member and friends and neighbors to vote! This is the time to rally the troops and don't stop until we reach the finish line tomorrow at 7 PM! We are going to make history and we are going to put Obama in his place! Virginia's new favorite color is red!
If you would like to volunteer for the McDonnell Campaign click here.

Lets make sure this landslide is set in stone!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hey Dems...Getting Any Sleep At Night?

Washington Times had a great article today about the state of the race and what it means for the Democrats. This must be a nightmare for them, first having a terrible candidate and second the least enthusiastic supporters since the Clinton years. What to do what to do what to do when there is no longer George W. Bush to throw all your problems on. But what is so sweet is that this is just a preview of what is to come in 2010.

My favorite quotes from the article:
"One Obama doorbell ringer, working neighborhoods in Northern Virginia for Creigh Deeds, says even the promise of free pizza can't lure faithful Democrats to a rally."

"Bill Clinton, accustomed to speaking to cheering thousands at a hundred grand a pop, was dispatched the other night to a Deeds rally to set the throng on fire with one of his late-October stumpwallopers. The rally, such as it was, was held not at an arena or a hotel - not even a Motel 6 - but in a campaign office in the Washington suburbs. The "throng" was counted in the dozens, about the size of a PTA meeting. Not even Bubba could dispel the gloom of a wake." HAAAA

Oh how sweet it is to watch Democrats fail, and Bubba can't even save you this time!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama Throws Deeds Under the Bus

WaPo ran a good article today (believe it or not)on Obama throwing Deeds under the bus to save himself. Obama White House officials have come out saying it is Deeds fault he is doing so badly in the polls and not Obama's. These officials expressed frustation at Deeds not taking advice to run harder in certain constituencies that helped Obama win in 2008. They even state that Deeds didn't do enough to coordinate with the White House. My opinion: Obama is distancing himself from Deeds as much as possible so that he can try to maintain some type of legitamacy. Because if Deeds is close to Obama and loses it wont look so great on Obama. I personally feel that no matter what Obama does Deeds' catastrophe of a race will look bad for all democrats!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bob Was On Your World With Neil Cavuto Today

Bob was on Your World With Neil Cavuto today at 4 PM ET on Fox News. He talked about health care reform and the governor's race. His arguments were strong and made sense which Deeds certainly has never done. It was a good interview overall. Check it out for yourself below.

Washington Post Endorses Taxes

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

McDonnell Is Doing Well In ALL The Polls

As I mentioned in my last post Survey USA had McDonnell up by 19 percentage points and some people have said well this has to be an outliner...but... now Public Policy Polling has released their most recent poll that has McDonnell with a 12 percentage point lead on Deeds. This is important because PPP's last poll 3 weeks ago only led had McDonnell leading by 48-43. This polling agency has seemed to through the race given McDonnell smaller leads than other polling agencies. So a double digit lead from PPP is amazing! Whichever polls your looking at McDonnell has a double digit lead in the last round of this race (AWESOME), whatever McDonnell is doing he needs to keep on and Deeds...needs to keep falling flat on his face.

I'm Back!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am back from a short leave of absence. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is getting pumped up for the election. It seems like everyday is met with more enthusiasm from the Republicans and less from the Democrats. I just have this feeling that this is going to be a sweeping win for the Republicans, especially with the latest Survey USA poll showing McDonnell up 19 points (WOW!!!!!). Click here to read over the results in depth.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Taking a Leave of Absence...But Don't Worry I Will Be Back Soon

I just would like to inform all my readers and fellow bloggers that I will be taking a leave of absence. But don't any of you worry I will be back in the game late next week. So keep reading, keep blogging, and stay true to your conservative roots! Then one day the politicians that represent us will listen, lets hope it's soon!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Virginia Dems Start to Leave Deeds in the Dust

So Dems running for lower offices have stopped supporting Deeds outright and are focussing on their own races...SMART PEOPLE

Great article by the Examiner... Mr.Deeds isn't smiling too much these days...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dirty Deeds

Finally people have started picking up on my nick-name for Creigh Deeds.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

DNC Gives Cash Boost to Deeds As Election Day Inches Near

Politico has reported today that Deeds has received a $1 million cash boost from the DNC. This is on top of the already $5 million promised to the Deeds campaign. In addition to the cash boost, the DNC is also sending staffers, technical support, and turnout modeling assistance to parts of the Potomac area. The cash boost is supposed to help Deeds put new ads on the radio and to boost poll numbers. Too bad money can't fix Deeds problems, its the way he is running the campaign. But this does make it sound like the Dems are getting nervous...which is great news!!! So I say let the Dems waste their money!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Poll Finds McDonnell Leading By 14 POINTS!!!

In a poll by Survey USA of likely voters all Republican candidates were all above 50%! This is great news!

When asked the question:
If the election for the Virginia governor were today, would you vote for... (candidates names rotated) Republican Bob McDonnell? Or Democrat Creigh Deeds?
55% of those polled said they would vote for Bob McDonnell.
41% of those polled said they would vote for Creigh Deeds.
4% were undecided.

When examined this showed some really interesting trends. First McDonnell leads in all age groups and surprisingly McDonnell and Deeds percentage difference among 18-34 years olds is the same as between 50-64 year olds. This is really important because it shows that Deeds newest attacks about his views on women have not held much ground on the age group it was really targeting 18-34 year olds. 54% of 18-34 year olds said they would vote for McDonnell.
Also another interesting trend was cross over votes with likely voters with party affiliation. 13% of registered Democrats said they would vote for McDonnell, whereas only 10% of Republicans said they would vote for Deeds. Another important trend to point out is that with registered Independents. McDonnell captured 59% of Independents whereas only 35% of Independents said they would vote for Deeds. Also of those polled who voted for Obama 13% said they would vote for McDonnell whereas of those polled who voted for McCain only 7% would vote for Deeds.
So what these trends show really is that Deeds isn't sticking. Democrats usually win big in the younger population, but not here. Deeds hasn't been able to capture enough cross over votes and certainly not Independent votes to win. And as political history has showed Independents decide the race.

When asked the question:
Virginia will also elect a lieutenant governor. If the election for lieutenant governor were today, would you vote for... (candidates names rotated) Republican Bill Bolling? Or Democrat Jody Wagner?
54% of those polled said they would vote for Bill Bolling.
41% of those polled said they would vote for Jody Wagner.
5% were undecided.

When asked the question:
Virginia will also elect an attorney general. If the election for attorney general were today, would you vote for... (candidates names rotated) Republican Ken Cuccinelli? Or Democrat Steve Shannon?
53% of those polled said they would vote for Ken Cuccinelli.
42% of those polled said they would vote for Steve Shannon.
5% were undecided.

Click here to look at the full results.

This is good news for Republicans which means that Democrats will be on the attack until its voting day...great...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obama's Youth

Scary video of school children taught to praise of dear leader Barack Hussein Obama. I wonder what the kids who didn't agree with this felt like? I wonder if they were pressured ? I wonder if their parents know? If I was a parent of one of those children I would be livid.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Deeds...Do You Have A Brain?

So I am a little late on posting this but it is a great video showing Deeds lacking a brain. I am surprised the media hasn't really caught on to how Deeds makes no sense when talking to reporters. He is not for any taxes but he is for taxes that are not general? Whaaaaa? *Scratches head*

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another Great Ad

The McDonnell campaign just keeps coming out with more and more really strong ads. Check this one out it really hammers home the point.

Great New McDonnell Ad

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 A Day I Will Never Forget

Eight years ago today priceless American lives were taken by Islamic terrorists. Eight years ago today we learned that two planes had crashed into the World Trade Center, one crashed into the Pentagon, and one plane with brave souls crashed in Pennsylvania instead of into the Capital or White House. Eight years ago today my sense of safety as a young adult was shattered. Eight years ago today I came home from school to learn that my country had received attacks worse than those in Pearl Harbor. Eight years ago today I questioned God for the first time in my life. Eight years ago today I found out that people hated me and all Americans just because we were Americans. Eight years ago today my sense of reality was shaken, no longer could I view the world with the eyes of a child. Eight years ago today we had a President that was strong enough to deal with the situation. Eight years ago today was September 11, 2001, a day which some rather forget but will always be engrained in my soul and in my being.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Great Ad

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

23 Democrats Said They Will Vote No On Healthcare Reform

23 Democrats from the House have told constituents that they will not vote for healthcare reform. For a healthcare reform to pass Democrats can only lose 38 Democrat votes. I'm sure there will be more in the next couple weeks that come out against reform. Lets watch the Dems plan crumble!
Click here for the full story from The Hill.

Key Moderate Democrat Turns Against The Public Option

Representative Mike Ross from Arkansas said that he can no longer support a public insurance plan. Could this be Obama's canary in the coal mine? You decide!
Click here to read the full story on Breitbart.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Deeds Launches Attack Ad & Mispells McDonnell's Name

What did I tell you!?! I knew the Deeds campaign was only going to become a negative hate fest against McDonnell. Not only this, I have also mentioned before that the Deeds campaign is stupid. Literally they must be because this is the second stupid offense in the past week. Maybe the same lady from the Deeds campaign who called the McDonnell headquarters pretending to be a reporter (outed by the Caller ID saying Deeds for VA) made these advertisements too.

Anyway the story is this: The Deeds campaign recently launched a new site that outlines McDonnell's "Blueprint" for Virginia. Which talks about how he is "against" women and a whole multitude of other things mainly based on a term paper he wrote in 1989. This hate campaign will also have ads on google and on the radio. But what is so stupid about these ads and the website is that they spelled McDonnell's name wrong.
  Deeds invites folks to learn about
Sadly they noticed their mistake and fixed it. But let's think for a minute...the Deed's campaign can't spell, has a staffer pose as a reporter and call the McDonnell campaign but are stupid enough to do it from the Deeds headquaters, and just keep launching attack after attack after attack. Only a desperate candidate would do such a thing. Deeds obviously can't win a fair fight so he is resorting to what dems know best. I told you it's only going to get worse...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rasmussen Poll Has McDonnell at 51% Deeds 42%

This survey was conducted recently after the new story about McDonnell's thesis paper written in 1989. The polling results have not really changed since last month's Rasmussen poll that had McDonnell with 49% and Deeds with 41%. In my opinion this is good news, but that doesn't mean we don't stop campaigning and fighting the good fight. I have a feeling this race is about to get very nasty. The Deeds campaign is starting to get desperate and with the WAPO looking for their next "macaca" story things can only get more beastly.

Obama's Special Advisor on Green Jobs Thinks Republicans are A**holes!

Obama's Special (Czar) Advisor on Green Jobs, Van Jones in a lecture given at the 2nd Annual Berkeley Energy & Resources Collaborative is quoted saying that Republicans are a**holes. I thought there was supposed to be an end to this kind of hate speech with Obama's presidency...where did the idea of post partisanship go?Watch and check it out for yours self.

Also if you enjoyed listening to Van Jones you would also be interested in looking up his history...the guy is nutzo

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

What Is It With The Deeds Campaign?

So when Deeds got the nomination from the Democrats, I started calling him Dirty Deeds because well it sounded funny and reminded me of the ACDC song. But the sad fact is that his campaign really is dirty. Full of trickery and all that is not good. The most recent event is when a Deeds staffer named Jennifer who claimed to be a reporter for the Connection newspapers in NOVA called the McDonnell campaign requesting Bob's schedule. In fact the McDonnell staffer who took the call said the caller ID showed the Deeds campaign headquarters telephone number the the words "Deeds for VA". I would just like to say: WOW! Not only is the Deeds campaign dirty but it is stupid too...

So lets keep watching and see what else happens. It will be hard to top the stupidity of this one though.

If you would like the full story reported by WAPO click here.

By the Way...

I just wanted to apologize to all my readers for the long period between my last post and today. I was very busy...actually politically so the blog got a little bit ignored. BUT I am back! So liberals beware! I will be investigating and reading and bringing you news that I feel is important!

It Just Keeps Going Down!

Negative Campaigning to the Max

Oh  the Dirty Deeds campaign strategies just keep getting better and better. We can all agree that a good campaign is one that emphasizes what the candidate will do in office and less on attacks. All the Deeds campaign has done is attack! McDonnell this...McDonnell that. The latest is on a paper McDonnell wrote while still in school about women in the workplace and what it takes away from the family structure. So Deeds why are you so desperate to tarnish McDonnell? Is it because there is nothing to you?...Or is it because even you don't know where you stand?

The Deeds campaign needs a serious overhaul! This has got to be the worst since the "Cooter" campaign! Click here to learn more.

Friday, August 21, 2009

This Is What Will Happen Under Obamacare!

Watch this video you will be appalled at what is already happening in our country and what will happen across the nation if we don't stand up to the Democrats in Congress!

Great New Ad By the RPV

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Obama Approval Rating Hits New Low!

Great News! More people hatin' on least that's what Rasmussen says. Their Daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows Obama's job approval rating at 47% and his Presidential Approval Index at -8. I guess those astroturfers and angry mobs actually do have an effect on national politics.

Arlington Young Democrats Cancel Drinking Tournament

As reported by both Blue Virginia and VA GOP Caucus  the Arlington Young Democrats have cancelled their flip cup tournament that was scheduled for August 15. Their finance director, Jen Amore, cited the reason for cancellation was lack of interest due to vacationing. The group was saddened by the cancellation, though I find it interesting that any political group would even think of holding an event that involved drinking games. Interesting...very interesting...maybe this is why Democrats always have to hire volunteers, because their Young Democrat groups always have hangovers.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Connolly Is Just Too Afraid To Actually Have a Conversation

After looking at BVBL, I just couldn't let this go...You all know I have a serious bone to pick with Gerry Connolly.

It seems that Gerry Connolly has scheduled another Town Hall...BUT surprise surprise it is in yet another gated community on August 25th at the Greenspring Retirement Community in Springfield. Connolly's spokesman Jason Connor's stated that the meeting was not for the public at-large but only for the members of retirement community and that the venue would easily provide the ability to throw out people that disrupt the meeting.

Well...I wanted more information on this issue, so I called Connolly's office AND the message box was full AND no one picked up the phone. So I called back and again no one picked up the phone. I was pissed off to put it lightly.

So let me get this straight...You won't hold a Town Hall where I (YOUR CONSTITUENT) can tell you what I think AND you won't even have someone pick up the phone in your office. Sounds like dear old Gerry is afraid to hold a real conversation with me or any of his constituents who dont live in a retirement home. Well I have news for you Gerry, this Healthcare Bill won't just be effecting old folks.

Great New Ad Out By the RPV

Really Great Ad. I would say one of the best so far:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chuck Caputo and Felons...

After reading BVBL's latest post I was stunned.
At a local event Chuck Caputo was asked a question about giving felons their voting rights back. His response was amazing, first he attacked Republicans for not wanting to restore felons their voting rights then stated, "Republicans don’t want felons to vote because they know they’ll all vote Democratic.“

So let me get this straight felons are Democrats and union thugs are Democrats. There must be something wrong with a party that attracts criminals and felons...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hmm Pelosi is this Un-American too?

The union thugs have been unleashed. Fellow freedom fighters beware at these town hall meetings, they are dangerous and get away with it. Too bad they weren't wearing their brown shirts with the Obama seal on it.

Grrrr. CONNOLLY!!!!!!!

This summer my temper has been flaring and for the most part it is because of three specific people in this order...
1. Barry Soretoro (Known now as Barack Hussein Obama)
2. Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi
3. Gerry Connolly

Gerry Connolly really must think he is God just like all Dems. Therefore Pat Herrity, an elected Supervisor in Fairfax County, cannot contact him about the Islamic Saudi Academy's textbooks unless he gets approval from the entire Board of Supervisors. Learn more at NLS.

Connolly doesn't want to hear from constituents either. Check the full story out at BVBL. He is going to hold a town hall about ObamaCare but it will be in a the gated community of Heritage Hunt and you will not be able to go unless you have a visitors pass or a resident. WONDERFUL!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Big Brother is Watching!

Great post by VA GOP Caucus: click here

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


An open letter to Michael Frey:

Mr. Frey,

This time you have ignited a base of people against you. I have spoken to multiple people and others from local Republican groups that are really tired of you and your liberal apointees and policies. You appoint Democrats to positions that end up running against your "fellow" Republicans. This time you have gone too far, YOU voted for the ISA expansion proposal and YOUR constituents know. You cannot brush this one under the rug and we true Republicans of Fairfax County will NOT let you forget it! This next election I will make sure to campaign as hard as I can against you whether a Republican decides to run against you or not, because Mr. Frey I know Democrats that are less liberal than you are. You may be a nice person, but I don't care, you are a TERRIBLE politician. Your constituents are watching how you vote!


Freedom Fighter

Feel free to substitute your name and send it to Michael Frey's office!

This is his address:
Supervisor Michael R. Frey
Sully District Governmental Center
4900 Stonecroft Boulevard
Chantilly, VA 20151

ISA Expansion Approved 6-4

This is a sad day for Fairfax County. The Islamic Saudi Academy's proposal to expand their building so that they may take in more students was approved yesterday 6-4. The issue was a about land use not about the people. Pat Herrity listened to the concerns of his constituents about how extra drivers on Popes Head Road would be a disaster. All those who voted against the proposal for expansion cited reasons that had to do with land use and roads. The supervisors who voted for the proposal testimonies had nothing to with the actual proposal.

Hyland: I was impressed with their testimony….I attended a picnic last weekend….they are good people….

Gross: I was impressed with their testimony…..they seem like nice people…..there is a hazard like this one on Popes Head near TJ

Here is a list of those who voted against the proposal:
Pat Herrity
Sharon Bulova

Here are the supervisors who voted for the proposal:

The lessoned learned by this fiasco... Michael FREY needs to be defeated! A true Republican needs to run against him.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

This is AMAZING!

When I saw this I laughed so hard that my stomach started to hurt. Check it out's worth a big laugh!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dirty Deeds Loves to be Elusive

Creigh "Dirty" Deeds when questioned by a reporter on tax increases was being quite elusive. He said "I am open to a lot of options". Let me translate for you...when a democrat won't answer a question directly and uses phrases like being open to many options it means they are for it. Like we haven't heard that before from Mark Warner or Tim "Where Is He Now" Kaine. If Deeds is elected then he will use tax increases just like his predecessors. And...that's why "Dirty" Deeds is losing ground in the polls!
Watch this clip to see for yourself:

Republicans Leading Across the Board

In a poll taken by SurveyUSA, 526 likely votes were asked who they were going to vote for in the Governor, LG, and Attorney General races. The Republican candidates for each had very big leads against their opponents. If things keep going as they are Republicans will have big wins in November!

If the election for Virginia governor were today, would you vote for... (candidate names rotated) Republican Bob McDonnell? or Democrat Creigh Deeds?

55% McDonnell (R)
40% Deeds (D)
5% Undecided

Asked of 526 likely voters

Margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 4.3%

Virginia will also elect a lieutenant governor. If the election for lieutenant governor were today, would you vote for... (candidate names rotated) Republican Bill Bolling? or Democrat Jody Wagner?

54% Bolling (R)
42% Wagner (D)
4% Undecided

Asked of 526 likely voters

Margin of Sampling Error for this question = ± 4.4%

Virginia will also elect an attorney general. If the election for attorney general were today, would you vote for... (candidate names rotated) Republican Ken Cuccinelli? or Democrat Steve Shannon?

53% Cuccinelli (R)
42% Shannon (D)
6% Undecided

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gubernatorial Debate

Missed the Gubernatorial debate between Bob McDonnell and Creigh Deeds? No problem. It will soon be available to watch at

Obama...Wrong Way!

I guess not as many people are believing in Obama's change. Rasmussen's Daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows Obama for the first time in double digit negatives! His Presidential Approval Index today is -11. This is calculated by subtracting those who strongly disapprove of his performance from those who strongly approve. Today only 29% of Americans strongly approve of Obama's performance compared to the 40% of Americans who strongly disapprove. Overall 49% of Americans atleast somewhat approve of the President's performance and 50% disapprove. This is great news!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Connolly Must Go

So I must not be the only one who thinks that Connolly must be defeated next election! (Until then I will be sending his office a letter and phone call to tell him how pissed I am).
Keith Fimian and Paul Miller both have stepped up to run against Connolly. We will see what happens...sadly Connolly has widespread name recognition which I must reckon is the only way he gets elected...that and they must have never seen a picture of him.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Co-Founder of BET endorses McDonnell

Take a look at the link below. Democrat billionare Shelia Johnson, an influential Democratic donor has come out in support of Republican candidate for Governor Bob McDonnell. This is good news!

Saying What Needs To Be Said

Senator DeMint of South Carolina did a really good job illustrating how the liberals are shutting out all types of reform of the health care industry except for socialized medicine. Take a listen...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Daily Dose of Reagan

Here you go: This is a great blurb from a speech Reagan made on tax reform. enjoy

Republicans Take the Lead in Latest Poll

The latest poll shows that Bob McDonnell has a 49-43 lead over Deeds! That's 6 PERCENTAGE POINTS!!!! Bill Bolling leads Wagner 46-40! THATS ANOTHER 6 PERCENTAGE POINTS! And ofcourse the best for last Cuccinelly leads Steve Shannon 45-38. THATS 7 PERCENTAGE POINTS. The democratic primary is over and so is the bump! Republicans are showing they are strong in Virginia!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Clifton's 4th of July Parade: A Commentary

 As a spectator who came at 4 PM (the original time the parade was supposed to start) I was surprised to hear that it was pushed back until 4:30 PM. It seemed that everyone was ready at 4PM but, oh I forgot to mention Clifton's "most important" guests were late for their appearance, Gerry Connolly (gag reflex) and a very pasty George Barker (more gag reflex). That's right, everyone had to wait and get sweaty for these two creepers to show up. On a happier note the Republican Women of Clifton had a very strong showing I counted around 60 or so whereas the Democratic Women of Clifton rolled out their usual pros. The RWC had a woman dressed up as Lady Liberty and even 3 women waving the historic "Don't Tread On Me" Flag. It was great! I kept saying to myself FINALLY Clifton has a strong Republican presence just like they do with voter turn out! Even more awesome was Gerry Connolly getting laughed at while being recognized at the Flag ceremony. Right after the ceremony he dashed off too quickly for me to get over there, or anyone else for that matter, to criticize him about the CRAP AND TRADE scheme. Guess he thought my personal letter was enough, right?

Pictures from the TEA Party

Sorry for the delay on getting these pictures posted. Hope you enjoy the photos that I took myself when I was at the DC TEA Party this July 4th. Hope everyone has a wonderful July 4th weekend. Feel free to share the photos! By the way if you would like to see a news blurb about it I have a link to a video report CNN did below. I was very surprised to see that it was unbiased for mainstream media standards.

Pictures from the TEA Party

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday America!

Hope everyone has a happy 4th of July! I will post pictures from the Tea Party in DC later on this week

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

McDonnell, Bolling, and Davis to attend City of Fairfax Parade

This Saturday Bob McDonnel, Bill Bolling, and Tim Davis will be walking at the City of Fairfax 4th of July Parade. If you would like to volunteer to walk with Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling, and Tom David they will be meeting at 9:15 AM at FCRC headquarters. Please RSVP at They need help so your volunteering would be greatly appreciated.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Daily Dose of Reagan

Here you go your daily dose of Reagan:

Make Your Voice Heard!

Conservative Virginians, I am calling on you! This July 4th if you don't already have plans and are just as angry as me about our federal government then... why not join me and thousands of other americans by marching in the largest Tea Party Protest on Washington.  Find more information here:

List of Traitors

This is a list of the Republicans in the House who voted for cap and trade. Feel free to call their office and let them have a piece of your mind.

Bono Mack (CA) 202-225-5330

Castle (DE) 202-225-4165

Kirk (IL) 202-225-4835

Lance (NJ) 202-225-5361

Lobiondo (NJ) 202-225-6572

McHugh (NY) 202-225-4611

Chris Smith (NJ) 202-225-3765

Friday, June 26, 2009

Daily Dose of Reagan

Here is another great video of Reagan. Watch, listen, and learn its good for you.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Daily Dose of Reagan

For all you Liberals and Rhinos out there here is your daily dose of Reagan! Maybe sometime soon you will see the light!

What Will Tomorrow Bring???


Tomorrow we will see what Congress will do with the cap and trade bill. Lets hope there are some Republicans willing to stand their ground and maybe some sensible Democrats. This MUST NOT PASS...It would simply ruin our economy, BUT since America wanted change they might be getting it pretty soon in the form of the biggest tax in American history!

STEP big goofball!!!

So guess who is getting on my nerves right now?...That would have to be South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. IDIOT. He is too pompous to notice how much crap this is going to cause his fellow Republicans. A message directly to Mark Sanford: You can't just apologize! Accept that you have ruined your political career and must step down now, so that your fellow Republicans don't have to take crap for you! STEP DOWN YOU FOOL!

McDonnell First to Put Out TV Ad for Gubernatorial Race

Bob McDonnell will be the first candidate for governor to go on television during the general election campaign season. His ad focusses on job creation and entrepeneurship. Take a look and tell me what you think...

Want to Be Angry? Then Read On!

The Saudi Academy located in Fairfax Station is pushing forward to expand the size of their building to accomodate more students. Though many from the community have expressed their objections to the curriculum of the school the Planning Commission for the Springfield moves on in its efforts to have to expansion pass. Read more about this here:

Kris Amundson Will Not be Seeking Re-election!

Delegate Kristen Amundson from the 44th district stated yesterday that she will not be seeking re-election for a sixth term in the coming election. This leaves Democrats in a scramble to ready their new candidate against Republican hopeful Jay McConville! My thoughts: Although the 44th district is heavily democrat republicans may have a chance this election because both candidates are newcomers. McConville get out there and go door to door, let the people know who you are, and stick to conservative principles!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Where is Kaine?

So...Kaine thinks he can get away with not doing his job? I DONT THINK SO!
Good Video by the RPV watch:

My Advice for All Conservatives!

After recently watching on YouTube a famous speech that Ronald Reagan made on socializing healthcare, I became inspired. I would like to pass on that inspiration to you by telling you to first watch the video. After do what Reagan tells you! Write your congressman and senator! If they respond and tell you that they although take your opinion seriously but do not agree with you, WRITE THEM AGAIN! If action is not taken by average Americans like you and me, than we will soon live in a country that will be decide how we areto live our lives!
Here is the link to the Video: