Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rasmussen Poll Has McDonnell at 51% Deeds 42%

This survey was conducted recently after the new story about McDonnell's thesis paper written in 1989. The polling results have not really changed since last month's Rasmussen poll that had McDonnell with 49% and Deeds with 41%. In my opinion this is good news, but that doesn't mean we don't stop campaigning and fighting the good fight. I have a feeling this race is about to get very nasty. The Deeds campaign is starting to get desperate and with the WAPO looking for their next "macaca" story things can only get more beastly.

1 comment:

  1. Somebody should ask the WaPo why they won't publish Obama's papers. What are they hiding? They will probably deny having the papers, but who can believe the WaPo?
