Monday, August 31, 2009

What Is It With The Deeds Campaign?

So when Deeds got the nomination from the Democrats, I started calling him Dirty Deeds because well it sounded funny and reminded me of the ACDC song. But the sad fact is that his campaign really is dirty. Full of trickery and all that is not good. The most recent event is when a Deeds staffer named Jennifer who claimed to be a reporter for the Connection newspapers in NOVA called the McDonnell campaign requesting Bob's schedule. In fact the McDonnell staffer who took the call said the caller ID showed the Deeds campaign headquarters telephone number the the words "Deeds for VA". I would just like to say: WOW! Not only is the Deeds campaign dirty but it is stupid too...

So lets keep watching and see what else happens. It will be hard to top the stupidity of this one though.

If you would like the full story reported by WAPO click here.


  1. Yep. Dem is dumb! And stupid, too!

  2. Dirty Deeds rides again ...... life is tough. It is tougher when you are stupid. Do you we want stupid, dirty people running Virginia? I say, "NO!"
